If your HVAC Tech says your system is working properly, but you are still experiencing the problems below, then listen up!
- Does your HVAC have trouble “keeping up” and run too much?
- Got a problem room that takes forever to cool?
- Do rooms in your house have different temperatures?
- Is your HVAC turning on soon after turning off?
Many homeowners often believe they need a bigger HVAC system, but an oversized unit is also problematic.
If the Air Handler is blowing cold 55* air, but you are still uncomfortable, then you need to asses your thermal and air boundary.
When it is 90* outside, it is 135* inside the attic. Your ductwork is in the most hostile environment possible. Your Air Handler pushes cold 55* air to the rooms farther away and warms up along the way.
While the Air Handler may be working fine, the hot attic results in warmer air being delivered to rooms. It is not uncommon us to find rooms receiving 65-70* air on hot days.
If you are trying to cool a room to 74* with 70* air, how much faster could you cold it with 55* air?
Plus, the EPA says ductwork commonly leaks 20-30%. Meaning only 70% of the air you paid to cool will make it into your rooms. When a house has blown insulation on the floor, and a vented attic, then that duct leakage is a total loss.
But what if you could stop losing that 20-30% of air you paid to condition? You would have a bigger HVAC system without replacing the unit!

Your licensed HVAC technician specializes in the keeping the mechanical equipment working properly. Stellrr cleanses and transforms attics. Often we moved their air conditioning ducts from a toxic oven into a clean Yeti like cooler.
When Stellrr cleanses your attic, all existing insulation, pest feces, pollen, and allergens are vacuumed out of your house. This leaves your attic floor clean and clear of any debris. It is easy for your HVAC pro to inspect all of your ductwork, and continue their service plan.
Stellrr sterilizes your attic and moves the insulation from the attic floor to the attic roof. This keeps your duct leakage inside the building envelope, which means it is no longer lost.
For gas fired HVAC and water heater units Stellrr creates ventilation rooms in the attic. Typically you see ventilation closets when an Air Handler is inside a closet instead of the attic. But with the proper design, almost any attic can be transformed.
Does it work?
Yes! If your attic was 135* when it is 90* outside, that is terrible inefficient. But when Stellrr cleanses & transforms an attic, the temp is usually only 5-8* warmer than the conditioned space inside the house. This allows your system to work more efficiently, and keep the conditioned air inside.
Stated simply. Stellrr can transform your attic from a toxic oven into a clean Yeti like cooler.
How much does it cost?
Stellrr can show you how the work pays for itself.
The first step is to call (512) 710-2839 to book a Diagnostic Consult with your Stellrr Solutions Specialist. In your Consult you will learn where the problem areas are in your house and what needs to be done to fix it.
You will discover there are many other (even bigger) benefits of cleansing your hot nasty attic. Transforming it into a clean comfortable and energy efficient space.
Who am I and why am I sharing this?
My name is Shawn Mansur, I’m the founder of Stellrr. Stellrr started as an insulation contractor, like the rest of them. We had a lot of HVAC companies who advised their homeowners on removing soiled insulation and re-installing fiberglass insulation on the attic floor.
Stellrr did a lot of work for HVAC companies as a sub-contractor. Little did I know we were removing the problem and replacing it with more of the problem.
Over the years, we found out that the HVAC problems returned because we were re-creating a problematic building assembly. Plus, the fiberglass solution didn’t give much if any result and never solved the comfort or energy savings problems.
My mission is to change lives and I was failing.
I was frustrated and felt hopeless until one day I was introduced to my friend Larry Janesky. He taught me a lot of building science and helped me realize what homes needed was to be cleansed. Once we started cleansing homes we started getting dramatic results. Life changing results for our clients.
Stellrr stopped working as a sub-contractor for HVAC companies. Now we accept referrals from HVAC techs so that we can diagnose and prescribe the correct solution for the homeowner. Having Stellrr collaborate with your HVAC pro allows us to ensure great results.
Here is what to do next.
Request a Diagnostic Consult so that we can uncover the hidden problems and prescribe the right solutions.
Don’t make the mistake I did. Help your HVAC tech get the results you both want. Contact Stellrr today.
Let’s create a safe and healthy indoor environment for you and your family.
Changing Lives, Cleansing Homes. Stellrr
Here is what Austin’s top HVAC Pros are saying!
Duct work is the biggest loss of energy transfer. When sealing the building envelope, you also want to bring in fresh air to keep the air quality healthy. Dehumidification is recommended as the system will be running less. Dehumidifiers can be combined with the fresh air system for better efficiency. Variable speed equipment is also very beneficial for dehumidification and maximum indoor comfort. And if you really want to go all out, a smart thermostat with remote room sensors fine-tune to the occupants location and adjust the system as required.”
Todd Mowry, Evaluator HVAC
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